The foundation of the New Mysteries as expressed through the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner transformed the ancient initiatory streams, uniting them with a conscious responsibility to our present age.
Early in the history of Anthroposophy, when Rudolf Steiner first began working with Marie von Sivers, as General Secretary of the German Section for the Theosophical Society, as well as ‘Arch Warden of the Esoteric Section’, they joined “in a purely formal way”, the Order of Ancient Freemasons of the Memphis-Misraim Rite. This inaugural event led to the creation of the Mystica Aeterna, the ritual initiative also known as the Cognitive–Ritual Section, or “Misraim Dienst” of the Esoteric Class.
The renewal of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was developed out of Steiner’s own karmic connection with the spiritual founder of this impulse. In a lecture given in Berlin on January 2, 1906, Steiner said, “Just as it is true that everything of real importance in the past stems from the Royal Art, so it is also true that everything of real importance in the future will derive from the cultivation of the same source.”
Grounded in the ancient Rites and legends, the spiritual content Steiner brought provided a sacramental renewal for the purpose of enacting the practical Christic task in the development of the highest evolution of humanity.
Practicing the ‘Misraim Dienst’ as given by Rudolf Steiner, the MA offers a modern path of Initiation into the New Rosicrucian Mysteries, where the human being becomes the Temple. To bring the Esoteric Knowledge of Spiritual Science into Ritual Gesture is to participate in a renewal of the Mysteries.
Engaging Art, Science and Spiritualty, the student works to manifest the higher “I” in Selfless Service. The MA conducts these Experiential Rites in Sacred Community, to gain the Truth of Wisdom, the Piety of Beauty and the Virtue of Strength.
Due to a need to organize and acknowledge it's expanding membership, the International Misraim Alliance (IMA) was formed by the Supreme Council of the Swedish Misraim Association in the early part of 2023. It is made up of an alliance of Grand Lodges in Europe and North America who have come together in mutual recognition and amity. It is an independent association and does not fall under the authority of any other society or jurisdiction.
Decision-making for membership within the IMA lies solely with the Swedish Misraim Association's Supreme Council.
*MEMBERSHIP in the Mysteria Mystica Americana is restricted to free persons over the age of 21. We do not discriminate based on sex, religion, race, disability, or national origins. Prospective applicants are expected to be knowledgeable of Rudolf Steiner or have a genuine interest and be willing to learn.
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